
The horizon, the hills and valleys, the flow of water, the shape of rocks, plants and animals, and the human figure are composed of curves. Nature is curved with few exceptions. The straight lined, angular, man-made world sharply contrasts with the natural world.  

Curvism seeks to move out of the square, rectangular, cubed world and into the sphere of the curved line, the circle and the ellipse.

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On Metamodernism and Curvism
Writings Steve Firkins Writings Steve Firkins

On Metamodernism and Curvism

Curvism is the word I have been using for over forty years to describe an art concept that takes us into a more hopeful future. Like metamodernism, Curvism is a reaction to both modernism and postmodernism. Curvism, however, goes further back to include an understanding of premodern times, not fully accounted for by metamodernism.

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Curvism: The Curved Worldview
Writings Steve Firkins Writings Steve Firkins

Curvism: The Curved Worldview

The art and philosophy of Curvism creates a conceptual framework and model to identify and explain the problems of world history and what seems to be missing. Curvism points the direction for moving forward into a more hopeful future.

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Curvism: Beyond Postmodernism
Writings Steve Firkins Writings Steve Firkins

Curvism: Beyond Postmodernism

Postmodernism killed and replaced Modernism in the mid-1960s. Postmodernism has been dying since the turn of the century. What comes next? What best describes the changes that are taking place in art and culture?

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Artist Statement
Writings Steve Firkins Writings Steve Firkins

Artist Statement

Curvism seeks to move out of the square, rectangular, cubed world and into the sphere of the curved line, the circle and the ellipse.

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Writings Steve Firkins Writings Steve Firkins

Curvism: Art and Philosophy

We live in boxes, work in cubicles; we are caged in, rarely getting out to touch the earth and be surrounded by the sky. When we walk, it’s across a paved parking lot. Big city life, suburbia, small-town living. Modern life. How did this happen?

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Writings Steve Firkins Writings Steve Firkins

The Replica

In the very beginning, God created the Heavens and the Earth and then created man. Together they tried to create the earthly world, but they could not. They envisioned the world differently; so they went their separate ways, each creating their own world.

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