The horizon, the hills and valleys, the flow of water, the shape of rocks, plants and animals, and the human figure are composed of curves. Nature is curved with few exceptions. The straight lined, angular, man-made world sharply contrasts with the natural world.
Curvism seeks to move out of the square, rectangular, cubed world and into the sphere of the curved line, the circle and the ellipse.
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Cubism to Curvism
Studio 2020
Landscapes (Wood)
Alaska Drawings 2016
Selfies Hand, Foot
Shadow Selfies 2005-2015
Flanders 2015
Paintings 2013-2014
Studio 2014
Drawings 2010-2012
Mixed Media 2010
I was born in 1954 during the great American baby boom. I grew up in Blue Earth, Minnesota, on the gently rolling plains in the south central part of the state. I was deeply affected by the vast expanse of ever changing earth and sky.