
The horizon, the hills and valleys, the flow of water, the shape of rocks, plants and animals, and the human figure are composed of curves. Nature is curved with few exceptions. The straight lined, angular, man-made world sharply contrasts with the natural world.  

Curvism seeks to move out of the square, rectangular, cubed world and into the sphere of the curved line, the circle and the ellipse.

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Writings Steve Firkins Writings Steve Firkins

September 30, 2002

Only care and compassion can cure these planetary ailments. Science and commerce can be used as tools, but left to their own devices, will only make matters worse.

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Writings Steve Firkins Writings Steve Firkins

Old God, New God

Each and every one of our transactions, transgressions, deeds, words, and thoughts are monitored and recorded forever, traceable and unerasable. Science did away with the old God and took God’s place.

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Writings Steve Firkins Writings Steve Firkins

Heaven and Retirement

The afterlife of heavenly paradise has been replaced by the golden years of retirement, but only if you work hard all your working years serving the scientific economic system and follow all its rules. People must constantly worry about how they spend and save their time and money and what investments they make to be able to afford a comfortable retirement.

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Writings Steve Firkins Writings Steve Firkins

Love or Money

When god is money, people and resources are enslaved and forced to serve the power of money. Love is the only real choice we have that can counteract or at least counterbalance the power of money. When god is love, money can serve as a tool of love.

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Writings Steve Firkins Writings Steve Firkins

Follow the River to Freedom

I think that maybe if I keep going I can connect with Huck Finn, Tom Sawyer, and Jim the slave and we can follow the river to freedom. I can see us now. I would ask Huck, “How far is it to freedom?” and I would ask Tom, “How long will it take to get there?” Of Jim the slave I would ask the hardest question of all, “How will we know when we are free?”

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Writings Steve Firkins Writings Steve Firkins

The Art of Sorrow

My days are full of sorrow. I’m sad about all the sadness I see in the world. Sorrow surrounds me. Pain and suffering is everywhere, constantly continuing.

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Writings Steve Firkins Writings Steve Firkins

What is the Value of Art?

I am rich in art. My garage is full of art. My studio is full of art. My home is full of art. For a long time, I have been hoping to make an honest living with my art and hoping to change the world with my art.

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Writings Steve Firkins Writings Steve Firkins

What’s Wrong With Capitalism?

January and February 2000. - So here we are, at the beginning of a new century, a new millennium. Will it be a new beginning or will it be more of the same? Now what do we do and where do we go from here? What’s wrong with the way things are? What’s wrong with capitalism?

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Writings Steve Firkins Writings Steve Firkins

A New Millennium

Our language gives us many words for specific actions we can take to undo the damage we have done and to live more wisely on this earth. I offer a list of verbs to guide our actions.

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Writings Steve Firkins Writings Steve Firkins

Morel Mushroom Hunting

Morels are shy and sly. You can look right at them and not see them, even if you are looking for them. But if you do see one, you will probably see more near by. Looking for morel mushrooms is magical. Finding them is even more magical. They symbolize pure wildness.

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Writings Steve Firkins Writings Steve Firkins

Concerning Ralph Waldo Emerson’s Nature

Emerson goes even further to clarify the difference between Reason and Spirit. “That which, intellectually considered, we call Reason, considered in relation to nature, we call Spirit. Spirit is the Creator. Spirit hath life in itself.”

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