The horizon, the hills and valleys, the flow of water, the shape of rocks, plants and animals, and the human figure are composed of curves. Nature is curved with few exceptions. The straight lined, angular, man-made world sharply contrasts with the natural world.
Curvism seeks to move out of the square, rectangular, cubed world and into the sphere of the curved line, the circle and the ellipse.
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No Cause for Alarm
Who needs a natural environment when we can live and do live in our own controlled world.
Doom and Gloom
Most humans have the awareness of their own death lurking in the back of their minds. Now we also have to worry about the death of the planet.
Global Warming 2007
I was watching T.V. last night and heard Al Gore talking about the seriousness of Global Warming and the need to take immediate meaningful action. Al Gore was delivering his speech to the Kyoto Conference in Japan in 1997. I was watching this rerun on CSPAN's history channel.
Art Hoping
I feel like I'm on the verge of emerging. I felt like this nine years ago. Nothing revolutionary happened. My life did not dramatically change. The art world hardly noticed.
Curvism wishes rather to renew spirituality, to help spirituality be reborn.
Heaven and Earth
In the beginning we were connected to heaven and earth, unified with Nature. We then made a world of our own,
Curvism: Journey of an Artist
Tells the story of an unknown artist who is in love with nature and in conflict with the postmodern world. He seeks to gain art world recognition for his concept called Curvism.
America needs to wake up. American democratic freedom is dying. The free rein of laissez-faire capitalism is killing true democratic freedom around the world. Capitalistic freedom and democratic freedom are not the same cause or force and should never be equated. Capitalistic freedom is a false god. True democratic freedom is the only force that has the possibility of controlling and containing the corrupting power of capitalism. Democratic freedom is the last hope of the hopeless.
Buddha and the Wilderness
Every time I get a chance to escape the man-made world, I see it from the perspective that it’s all a man-made illusion and that it suffers mostly from unnatural causes made by humans themselves. Consequently, I realize that if it’s all an illusion and man-made, then it can be imagined differently … remade, recreated. Humans have the capacity to choose to live differently, to establish and live by economic systems based on needs, equity, fairness, justice, compassion, respect, mutual aid, cooperation, and love. Not greed.
No More New Roads
What business do the Republicans have building more roads in our National Forests? Big business! The special interests of the timber, mining, oil, coal, uranium, cattle, natural gas, and tourist industries all want new roads built so they can get their machines into the last remaining wilderness areas and their hands on the last remaining natural resources currently controlled and protected by the federal government.
Bad News
We have cut our umbilical cord to mother earth. Believing we are independent, we have forgotten our ties with nature. Our individual lives are now directly dependent and chained to the life and growth of the machine. There’s something wrong with this way of life, something inhuman about this way of living.
Routines and Rituals
Rituals are the qualities we add to our lives to counterbalance the large quantity of routines we are obligated to perform. A small amount of quality can counterbalance a very large quantity.